Can you decrease wrinkles with food? (Shutterstock)
We all age, and with age comes certain changes to our bodies that we might not be thrilled about. One of those inevitable signs of aging is the appearance of wrinkles, and while you can’t look 20 forever, the good news is there are ways to fight back!
SEE ALSO: Key anti-aging foods to include in your diet
Health experts can’t stress enough how important diet is to every part of your body. It’s important to eat well to ward off chronic issues like obesity and heart disease, but what you put in your body is ultimately reflected in your skin, hair, mood, and overall sense of wellness.
So, if you’re primary concern is those wrinkles that have appeared out of nowhere, rest assured, there are foods you should be including in your diet to help slow down the process.
Green tea will help you decrease. wrinkles.(Shutterstock)
But first, what causes wrinkles?
The Mayo Clinic explains that wrinkles in the skin are caused by the natural process of depleted oils and breakdown of fat and collagen in skin as it ages. As the underlying tissues dry out or degrade, skin starts to sag and that sagging causes wrinkles. This process can be exaggerated by other factors such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation and smoking, but even just the frequent use of facial muscles is enough to create fine lines.
Every time a facial muscle is used, a groove appears beneath the surface of the skin. After time, because muscle looses the ability to bounce back as quickly, these wrinkles become permanent.
So what can you eat to fight wrinkles?
The time to start to fight wrinkles is now, before they become a noticeable issue. And if you already have wrinkles, consider adjusting your diet to help prevent more from appearing. So, let’s take a look at 5 foods that you must have in order to help slow down that wrinkling process.
These foods will help you fight wrinkles. (Shutterstock)
- Water: Yes, water is considered a food, and when it comes to wanting to fight wrinkles, it’s top on the list. Lack of hydration is one reason we see fine lines in the skin, so it is important to make sure you are drinking enough during the day. Not only will a good routine of water-drinking keep skin looking firm, it’s probably the only “quick fix” there is. Wake up and feel like your wrinkles are more obvious than the day before? Drink some water and in a few hours you will likely notice a difference.
- Tomatoes: You can’t get enough tomatoes in your diet. Not only do these fruits (yes, they are fruits) contain plenty of vitamin C to build collagen, they also contain lycopene which helps skin maintain some defense against ultraviolet radiation. Tomatoes also have shown some benefit in the fight against vascular degradation, meaning they promote a healthy circulatory system, which is also important to keeping muscles and tissue plump and healthy.
- Green tea: You’ve probably heard of the antioxidant benefits of green tea, but according to the Huffington Post, there is another substance in this beverage that you should know about. Green tea contains EGCG, a chemical shown to promote healthy cell growth and ensure cells have long, productive life cycles.
- Kale: Dark greens like kale are a staple in a healthy diet, but when you want to fight wrinkles, they are also among the best foods for the job. Kale contains lutein and iron, which are important for bringing oxygen to the skin. Kale is also full of vitamin A, a compound known to help keep skin healthy.
- Salmon: Natural Health Magazine recommends eating plenty of wild salmon if you want to fight wrinkles. Salmon contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids which can help reduce the inflammation that breaks down cells.
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