¡Mira qué delgada! Rosie Rivera perdió muchísimo peso

La hermana de Jenni Rivera logró vencer su obesidad a pesar de los abusos que sufrió en su infancia

Rosie Rivera publicó esta foto de antes y después de perder peso.

Rosie Rivera publicó esta foto de antes y después de perder peso. Crédito: Agencia Reforma

MÉXICO, DF – Luego de padecer obesidad desde que nació, Rosie Rivera, hermana menor y albacea de la desaparecida Jenni Rivera, presume su nueva imagen, tras perder en los últimos meses unos 22 libras (10 kilos) de peso, gracias a un estricto régimen alimenticio y de ejercicio.

Rosie aseguró al programa ‘Despierta América’ que pesó más de 11 libras (5 kilos) al nacer y que, luego de ser abusada sexualmente a los 8 años por el exesposo de su hermana, se refugió en la comida. Más tarde, subió otras 30 libras (14 kilos) al ser madre por primera vez.

FOTOS: La vida después de Jenni Rivera

Mañana en @DespiertaAmeric les platico mi batalla y VICTORIA contra el sobrepeso con @yesyoucandietplan de @alejandrochaban #DespiertaAmerica #Univision

Una foto publicada por Rosie Rivera Flores (@rosieriveraoficial) el Ene 7, 2015 at 4:38 PST

Battling with my weight since I was 9, has been one of the most difficult battles of my life. Children in middle school were cruel, guys in high school were embarrassed to tell their friends about our relationship and called me their secret girlfriend. Shopping was torture and socializing seemed impossible because I felt everyone only looked at my weight. I thought my value was based on the scale so I tried every fad diet and even surgeries to make me beautiful like everyone else. You guys saw my anger and pain when Victoria implied that Id be prettier if I ate less on #RicaFamosaLatina but I decided not to fight her with words but rather with actions 🙂 First, I learned that I don’t have to be a model to have value. My value comes from God and not the scale. Still I can be a better me… A healthier me… an accomplished me. I began to eat correctly, the right amount at the right time of day. I began to work out correctly. I let go of soda, salt and sugar… And I gained self confidence and smiles 🙂 my confidence made my relationship better with my husband. I am stronger in all areas because I reached a goal and know I can reach any goal I set my mind to! If I can do it, you can as well!! I lost 20 pounds with @yesyoucandietplan by @alejandrochaban. Start your New Year’s weight loss resolution today with the Transform Kit.

A photo posted by Rosie Rivera Flores (@rosieriveraoficial) on Jan 2, 2015 at 9:38am PST

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