The Atlas of Beauty a wonderful visual project you should see

I love taking pictures. I do it all the time. I have a lot of folders in my computer with different “projects”: kisses, weddings, NYC at night, etc. Maybe it’s because my lifelong dream is to travel around the world and turn my passion for photography into something tangible, like a book, or a Tumblr. Mihaela Noroc has created the most wonderful project that I have seen: “The Atlas of Beauty”. Her story is also amazing.

Mihaela is a 29 years old Romanian photographer. “I love to travel and I have visited more than 60 countries until now, with my backpack and my camera (…) In the last years I have worked hard, saved some money and started the project of my life: The Atlas of Beauty,” she explains in her Tumblr.

She traveled from Western Europe to African Tribes and from Rio de Janeiro to China “and I try to capture, in my photos, natural and diverse faces.” She also has a strongest opinion in what beauty is: “beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture. To be natural, sincere, authentic, particular, not necessary fashion or skinny.” And that’s exactly what we believe!

The images are really amazing specially because you can see (and feel) these women around the world just being themselves. Some girls have makeup, some don’t. Some look like models and some are just like us. But the most important thing is all of them are naturally beautiful.

Mihaela’s goal is to continue with this project and for “many years and to study beauty in all countries of the globe”. Her dream is make “The Atlas of Beauty” known around the world and “an inspiration for all women that try to be themselves.”

We just selected a few images but you can see all Mihaela’s work on her page. We’ll keep an eye out for her work, so should you.


Xiahe, China.


Medellin, Colombia.


Cuenca, Ecuador. 


Shiraz, Iran.


Yangon, Myanmar. 

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