Doctor: cóctel de drogas mató a Michael Jackson

El uso que hizo el Dr. Conrad Murray de un cóctel de drogas para Michael Jackson cuando trataba de conciliar el sueño en el día de su muerte fue una “receta para el desastre” y en última instancia fue la causa de su muerte, declaró ayerun experto en terapia del sueño de UCLA.

El Dr. Nader Kamanger describió el tratamiento de Murray como “poco ético, inquietante y fuera de toda lógica”.

Al ser interrogado por el abogado de Murray, J. Michael Flanagan, se pidió al testigo que dijera a los miembros del jurado lo que sabía acerca de los acontecimientos del 25 de junio de 2009, el día de la muerte de Jackson.

“En resumen, Jackson estaba recibiendo una terapia muy inadecuada en un hogar, al recibir terapias muy potentes sin control”, dijo Kamanger.

Dijo que el diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan) y midazolam (Versed) se administraron a la estrella con insomnio durante un período de 10 horas en la noche y la mañana.

“Este cóctel fue una receta para el desastre”, dijo Kamanger.

Señalando la adición de propofol (Dipravan), un poderoso anestésico utilizado en cirugías, Flanagan le preguntó: “¿Esto podría haber causado la muerte?”.

“Sin dudas”,dijo Kamanger. “Sin dudas”.

Las autoridades dicen que Murray le dio a Jackson una dosis fatal de propofol. Murray se ha declarado no culpable de homicidio involuntario.

El testigo, uno de los expertos que evaluaron las acciones de Murray para la Junta Médica de California, expresó su consternación acerca de las drogas que Murray le dio a la estrella del pop, su incapacidad para llamar inmediatamente al 911 para pedir ayuda, y su falta de control y mantenimiento de registros.

Murray no pudo presentar ningún registro escrito sobre el tratamiento de Jackson, señaló Kamanger.

“No había registros de ningún tipo”, dijo. “Es muy fácil olvidarse de los detalles. No podemos confiar en la memoria”.

Kamanger fue el tercer perito de la fiscalía en criticar la conducta de Murray. Dijo que su primer error fue usar propofol para el insomnio, calificándola como una aplicación inaceptable de la droga.

Dijo que el hecho de que Jackson pidiera la droga, que fue el tema del testimonio anterior, no era una razón suficiente para proporcionársela. También sugirió que Murray debería haber hecho un examen físico, registrar los antecedentes de su paciente sobre su insomnio, y llamar a otros expertos médicos si era necesario para evaluar el problema.

“La cosa más importante que debería haber hecho es llamar para pedir ayuda”, dijo Kamanger.

Dijo que la entrevista de Murray con la policía dejó en claro que esperó demasiado tiempo para llamar al 911 cuando descubrió que Jackson no respiraba.

Flanagan sugirió en un momento que a veces los médicos practican “mala medicina”, pero sus pacientes están sanos y salvos. Kamanger estuvo de acuerdo.

En el interrogatorio, el vicefiscal de distrito David Walgren preguntó: “El Sr. Flanagan preguntó si un médico podría incurrir en una negligencia grave y el paciente podría sobrevivir?”.

“Sí”, dijo Kamanger.

“Conrad Murray fue gravemente negligente en muchas áreas y provocó la muerte de Michael Jackson, ¿es correcto?”.

“Sí”, dijo el testigo.

Antes del receso del tribunal, la fiscalía llamó al estrado al Dr. Steven Shafer, uno de los principales expertos del país en propofol. Sin embargo, no pudo ofrecer su testimonio antes de que el juicio entrara en receso hasta el lunes debido a que Shafer tenía problemas de horario.

Se espera que Shafer sea el último testigo de la fiscalía en el caso. La defensa tiene un colega de Shafer esperando para subir al estrado.

Murray podría enfrentar hasta cuatro años de prisión y la pérdida de su licencia médica si es declarado culpable.

LOS ANGELES (AP) ” Dr. Conrad Murray’s use of a cocktail of drugs on Michael Jackson as he struggled to fall asleep on the day he died was a “recipe for disaster” and ultimately caused his death, a UCLA sleep therapy expert testified Thursday.

Dr. Nader Kamanger described Murray’s treatment as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension.”

Under questioning by Murray’s attorney, J. Michael Flanagan, the witness was asked to tell jurors what he knew about the events of June 25, 2009, the day of Jackson’s death.

“To summarize, Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy in a home setting, receiving very potent therapies without monitoring,” Kamanger said.

He said diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan) and midazolam (Versed) were given to the sleepless star during a 10-hour period throughout the night and morning.

“This cocktail was a recipe for disaster,” Kamanger said.

Noting the addition of propofol (Dipravan), a powerful anesthetic used in surgeries, Flanagan asked: “Could this have caused death?’

“Absolutely,” Kamanger said. “Absolutely.”

Authorities say Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

The witness, one of the experts who evaluated Murray’s actions for the California Medical Board, expressed dismay about the drugs Murray gave the pop star, his failure to immediately call 911 for help, and his lack of monitoring and record-keeping.

Murray was unable to produce any written records on his treatment of Jackson, Kamanger noted.

“There were no records whatsoever,” he said. “It’s very easy to forget details. We do not rely on memory.”

Kamanger was the third prosecution expert to criticize the conduct of Murray. He said his first mistake was using propofol to treat insomnia, calling it an unacceptable application of the drug.

He said Jackson’s demand for the drug ” the subject of previous testimony ” was not a sufficient reason to give it. He also suggested Murray should have done a physical examination, taken a history from his patient about his insomnia, and called in other medical experts if necessary to evaluate the problem.

“The most important thing he should have done is call for help,” Kamanger said.

He said Murray’s interview with police made it clear that he waited too long to call 911 when he found Jackson not breathing.

Flanagan suggested at one point that doctors sometimes practice “bad medicine,” but their patients are unharmed. Kamanger agreed.

On redirect questioning, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked: “Mr. Flanagan asked if a doctor could be grossly negligent and the patient could survive?”

“Yes,” said Kamanger.

“Conrad Murray was grossly negligent in many areas and he caused Michael Jackson’s death, is that correct?”

“Yes,” said the witness.

Before court recessed, the prosecution called to the stand Dr. Steven Shafer, one of the nation’s leading experts on propofol. However, he did not get into his substantive testimony before trial recessed until Monday because Shafer had a schedule conflict.

Shafer was expected to be the final prosecution witness in the case. The defense has a colleague of Shafer’s waiting to take the stand.

Murray could face up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license if convicted.

LOS ANGELES (AP) ” Dr. Conrad Murray’s use of a cocktail of drugs on Michael Jackson as he struggled to fall asleep on the day he died was a “recipe for disaster” and ultimately caused his death, a UCLA sleep therapy expert testified Thursday.

Dr. Nader Kamanger described Murray’s treatment as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension.”

Under questioning by Murray’s attorney, J. Michael Flanagan, the witness was asked to tell jurors what he knew about the events of June 25, 2009, the day of Jackson’s death.

“To summarize, Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy in a home setting, receiving very potent therapies without monitoring,” Kamanger said.

He said diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan) and midazolam (Versed) were given to the sleepless star during a 10-hour period throughout the night and morning.

“This cocktail was a recipe for disaster,” Kamanger said.

Noting the addition of propofol (Dipravan), a powerful anesthetic used in surgeries, Flanagan asked: “Could this have caused death?’

“Absolutely,” Kamanger said. “Absolutely.”

Authorities say Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

The witness, one of the experts who evaluated Murray’s actions for the California Medical Board, expressed dismay about the drugs Murray gave the pop star, his failure to immediately call 911 for help, and his lack of monitoring and record-keeping.

Murray was unable to produce any written records on his treatment of Jackson, Kamanger noted.

“There were no records whatsoever,” he said. “It’s very easy to forget details. We do not rely on memory.”

“So it’s your opinion that there’s no way he could have remembered what he did if he didn’t write it down?” Flanagan asked.

“It is an egregious violation of the standard of care when you are using sedatives like propofol and you are not writing it down,” Kamanger answered.

The defense lawyer pressed on, asking, “Because he didn’t write down the pulse rate, oxygen saturation, heart rate … that didn’t kill Michael Jackson, did it?’

“It’s a combination of factors,” said Kamanger.

“But not the cause of death?” asked Flanagan.

“It’s a contributing factor,” said the witness.

Kamanger was the third prosecution expert to criticize the conduct of Murray. He said his first mistake was using propofol to treat insomnia, calling it an unacceptable application of the drug.

He said Jackson’s demand for the drug ” the subject of previous testimony ” was not a sufficient reason to give it. He also suggested Murray should have done a physical examination, taken a history from his patient about his insomnia, and called in other medical experts if necessary to evaluate the problem.

“The most important thing he should have done is call for help,” Kamanger said.

He said Murray’s interview with police made it clear that he waited too long to call 911 when he found Jackson not breathing.

Flanagan suggested at one point that doctors sometimes practice “bad medicine,” but their patients are unharmed. Kamanger agreed.

On redirect questioning, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked: “Mr. Flanagan asked if a doctor could be grossly negligent and the patient could survive?”

“Yes,” said Kamanger.

“Conrad Murray was grossly negligent in many areas and he caused Michael Jackson’s death, is that correct?”

“Yes,” said the witness.

On Wednesday, Murray’s defense team announced they were dropping a claim that was the centerpiece of their case ” that Jackson swallowed additional propofol when Murray was out of the room. Flanagan did not bring up self-dosing on Thursday.

Before court recessed, the prosecution called to the stand Dr. Steven Shafer, one of the nation’s leading experts on propofol. However, he did not get into his substantive testimony before trial recessed until Monday because Shafer had a schedule conflict.

Shafer was expected to be the final prosecution witness in the case. The defense has a colleague of Shafer’s waiting to take the stand.

Shafer helped craft guidelines for appropriate propofol dosing for sedation that is included in the packaging of every bottle that is sold.

Murray could face up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license if convicted.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.


McCartney can be reached at

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