Vita-Squad superheroes to your door post-hangover

If you’re looking for the ultimate hangover cure, look no further; in fact, you don’t even have to leave your home. All you need to…

Michelle Rodriguez’s girlfriend Cara Delevingne posted this photo on her Instagram account. Hand in hand with Rodriguez the caption reads “IV Drippin”. Intravenous vitamin drips are a common way for celebrities to recover after a night of excess partying and drinking. (Instagram)

If you’re looking for the ultimate hangover cure, look no further; in fact, you don’t even have to leave your home. All you need to do is pick up your phone and call the Vita-Squad.

Just what is the Vita-Squad going to do? Well they are going to rehydrate you intravenously while at the same time pumping your body full of important vitamins and minerals often lost during a drinking bout.

This form of post-hangover recovery may sound extreme, but it is growing in popularity across the country, and if you have a wild party on Sunday night and then a meeting for work Monday afternoon, it can do wonders on how you feel and present yourself.

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What Vita-Squad offers isn’t a new concept; celebrities have been using intravenous vitamin therapy in recent years for everything from hangovers to anti-aging, but the mobile company takes it step further by delivering the intravenous therapy right to your own home.

Real-world superheroes don't wear capes and masks.

Intravenous fluid therapy is making its way to your home to cure hangovers. (Shutterstock)

Is intravenous vitamin therapy really necessary?

It should be no surprise to find out intravenous vitamin therapy isn’t necessary; staying hydrated while drinking alcohol may not be first and foremost in every partier’s mind, but it isn’t much of a challenge. According to an earlier report from VOXXI on celebrity usage of this treatment, the effects of intravenous vitamin therapy were compared to eating a nutrient dense meal and drinking a gallon of water.

Of course, it’s the convenience that draws customers to the process. Why space out your drinking with hydrating if you can just wake up in the morning and call your local Vita-Squad company to come hook you up to an IV?

That’s what celebrity Michelle Rodriguez and her friend did, according to pictures of the two shared over Instagram. After a long night of drinking, Cara Delevingne posted the Instagram photo, supposedly of her hand holding Michelle Rodriguez’s hand as the two were re-hydrating.

The most popular type of intravenous vitamin therapy, according to a report from Medpage Today, is what is known as the Myers Cocktail, invented more than 30 years ago by physician John Myers. It contains magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12) and vitamin C in much higher dosages than a person would receive from vitamin pills or other supplementation.

Previously, individuals looking for intravenous vitamin therapy would have to visit a local clinic.

The serious side of the issue

Hospitals use IV bags.

IV fluid is important to the medical community and shouldn’t be used for non-critical care. (Shutterstock)

While it may sound like an ingenious way to have fun and not suffer the repercussions, there is a very serious concern when it comes to intravenous vitamin therapy–and it has nothing to do with personal health. According to medical experts, individuals using intravenous fluids for non-critical care are putting the lives of others at risk by depleting the supply of IV fluids in the medical community.

IV fluids are a staple in hospitals around the world, particularly for those in critical care. Backorders, where the supply cannot meet the demand, are common, as the manufacturing process can’t always keep up with the need in many areas.

“It’s appalling that we are sacrificing the health of our babies for beauty, energy, and hangover relief,” said Clinical pharmacist, Steve Plogsted, to the Washingtonian. “We’ve got babies’ lives hanging in the balance while we’re worried about getting through a hangover.”

READ ALSO: What alcohol consumption really does to your health

Because the general public often isn’t aware of the serious side of intravenous vitamin therapy, private companies have been able to capitalize on the available market.

The demand has now moved beyond celebrity circles, with marketing reaching out to the huge number of people in the United States who consume alcohol. According to numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 51 percent of adults over the age of 18 consider themselves regular drinkers of alcohol.

SEE ALSO: Celebrities turning to unecessary IV treatments

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