#QuestionsForMen: preguntas que todos los hombres deberían responder

Las redes sociales se han convertido en las nuevas calles, en el sentido que muchas protestas y demandas se han iniciado acá y luego, si es que es algo realmente exitoso, se convierten incluso en movimientos sociales o políticos. Hoy las chicas -díganos femininstas- nos tomamos Twitter con el hashtag #QuestionsForMen y que ya agarró vuelo entre los cibernautas.

Clementine Ford es una columnista de Daily Life Australia. Ayer en la noche escribió en su cuenta personal si sólo a ella le hacían preguntas y comentarios sexistas por ser mujer o les pasaba a todos. Tras ese tweet, comenzó a plantear preguntas para los hombres que típicamente se les hacen o comentan a las mujeres abriendo el debate en la red social del pajarito azul y poniendo a #QuestionsForMen dentro de los hashtags más comentados.

Question to the male writers/speakers etc out there. Is it common for you to be called an ‘attention seeker’? Or do just women get that?

— Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 3, 2015

//platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsNo era de esperarse que la idea prendiera en las redes sociales. Incluso ya hay haters respondiendo irónicamente las preguntas. F* them. Nosotras escogimos algunas de las preguntas y nos encantaría que los hombres las respondieran. No sería mala idea tampoco que famosos se sometieran al cuestionario. Think about it Jimmy Fallon.

#QuestionsForMen have you ever reconsidered your clothing bc it could potentially attract unwanted advances from women? — Nicole Glueckert (@nmglueckert) February 3, 2015


Would it be okay with you all if a women-only group decided what to do with your sexual organs? #QuestionsForMen

— Nin (@Nin_Klink) February 3, 2015


#QuestionsForMen have you ever accepted a woman’s advances because you fear abuse if you reject her? — Preeing your faves (@LionessInExile) February 3, 2015


Do you honestly feel there are less women of merit in our society when compared to men? #QuestionsForMen

— me and my two cents (@mytwocentsandme) February 3, 2015


How many times have you been told ‘not to worry’ about your career because ‘we will find you a rich girl to marry’? #QuestionsForMen — Mansi Reddy (@BornReddyy) February 3, 2015


#QuestionsForMen have you ever been late to work because you’ve had to change streets 5 times in 5minutes to avoid being catcalled by women?

— Amanda B (@theamandaohman) February 3, 2015


Is there any religion that exists that tells you that you’re inferior based on your gender? #QuestionsForMen — Nocturnus Libertus (@NLibertusOnline) February 3, 2015


#QuestionsForMen Are you ever called “bossy” for leading your workplace with passion and dedication?

— Marlana (@MarlanaFire) February 3, 2015


#questionsformen Do you ask your GF to meet you at the station so you don’t have to walk home alone?

— Defiant Delight (@DefiantDelight) February 3, 2015


Why do you work so soon after having a baby? #questionsformen #onadailybasis

— Amber Onat Gregory (@TellMeATale) February 3, 2015


Ever been bullied at work because you wouldn’t flirt with your boss? #QuestionsForMen

— Lauren Kelso (@laurenmarjoriek) February 3, 2015


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