Is sex fun? Only when it’s consensual

Sure, there are plenty of ways of having an awesome sex life (we talk about it en la sección de Chica Sexing,) forcing someone to engage in sex is definitely not one of them. Even when plenty of men think that “she’s just saying ‘no’ but she really means ‘yes’” is a valid excuse to sexually violate a woman, it is not. Forced sex (unless is plain kink between two consensual adults) is called raped and should always be penalized., an independent custom condom company is working to raise awareness for sexual assault prevention.

“The Consent Project” delivers uniquely packaged condoms with a clear message: sex should only happen when all people involved want it. The line of condoms launched last year with only a few designs, now it has grown to 25, including:


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With California leading the efforts supporting affirmative consent policy (only yes mean yes), it is clear that education is the best way of preventing rape. According to CNN 1 on every 5 women who attend college in the US experiences some king of sexual assault. “The Consent Project” puts together two basic elements for a healthy, enjoyable sex life: condoms and consent.

#OnlyYesMeansYes (and we mean it.)

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