Pretty doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone

What would you say to someone if they ask you to define “pretty”? Maybe you’d say “tall and skinny”; maybe you think “curvy women” are more like it or maybe your definition of pretty has the face of Nicole Kidman or the Selena Gomez.

The interesting thing about the terms “pretty” or “beautiful” is that they represent both a sure of pleasure and pain for women. On the one hand we love being called “pretty” and aspire to fit on everyone’s definition as much as possible, on the other hand not being “pretty” closes doors and makes us feel small. The invitation is, then, to embrace our own definition of beauty and validate ourselves to our own selves.


Pretty is a documentary series that has covered into digital postcards from women from around the world to other women around the globe about the definition of beauty. Do we have our own definition go beauty, or do we follow that impose by fashion models and advertisement agencies, even if it invalidates mostly everything we represent?


Beauty is subjective, and this project of Un’ruly, a web site focused on celebrating and casing for natural black hair, is a reminder of that. The series started the series of interviews in Paris, France and it’s currently in Milan, Italy. Every four weeks the team will land in a new city and collect the definition of “pretty” from the women in the streets. From Europe to Asia, South America and eventually the US, Pretty opens the conversation on just how exceptionally pretty and beautiful we all are. You can follow the journey and stories here. Now, how would you define “pretty”?

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