La Opinión’s recommendations for elections in California


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Proposition 51: $9 billion in bonds for education and schools.

NO. Prop. 51 was launched by construction companies to benefit themselves and the richest districts, enabling them to have their proposals  come first.

Proposition 52: Voter approval of changes to the hospital fee program

YES. These fees will fund Medi-Cal and provide healthcare to children and patients without insurance.

Proposition 53: Requires popular vote for projects that cost more than $2 billion.

NO. There are enough protections and control measures that make this proposition unnecessary.

Proposition 54: Legislative bills can be passed only after complete text being published for 3 days. YES. Will allow legislative action to be less secretive and more open.

Proposition 55: Those earning more than $250,000 will keep paying more taxes.

YES. Needed to prevent cuts in our educational and health systems.

Proposition 56: Increases the cigarette tax by $2.00 per pack.

YES. Will save thousands of lives lost every year to cancer and other ailments caused by smoking.

Proposition 57: Opportunity for non-violent felons and judges deciding juvenile trials.

YES. Violent felons deserve punishment, but let’s provide opportunities for rehabilitation to some who are non-violent.

Proposition 58: Allows bilingual education in public schools.

YES. Better results for all students and for the economic future of California.

Proposition 59: Establishes that California opposes “Citizen United”.

YES. Because corporations are not persons. That decision damaged our electoral system.

Proposition 60: Requires use of condoms in pornographic films.

NO. Good intentions but gives itself unrestricted powers and could cause the opposite effect to that intended.

Proposition 61: Regulates prescription drugs price.

YES. There is no other efficient way to put pressure on Big Pharma. Drug prices should go down.

Proposition 62: Repeals the death penalty.

YES. Besides the moral argument against executions, they are expensive, don’t bring closure to victims and are open to fatal mistakes.

Proposition 63: Regulates purchase of ammunition.

YES. Vote yes and help prevent new tragedies caused by firearms.

Proposition 64: Legalizes recreational marijuana.

YES. Better regulate and tax than continue prohibition believing that it helps.

Proposition 65: Adjudication of sales of grocery bags.

NO. A misleading proposition. Vote now and in favor of expanding the prohibition of single use plastic bags. (Prop. 67)

Proposition 66: Allows faster executions.

NO. We oppose the death penalty. This proposition opposes Prop. 62, limits appeals and other legal procedures.

Proposition 67: Prohibits plastic single-use carryout bags.

YES. An important step in the fight for a better environment.

Measure A: Funds to improve Neighborhood Parks in LA County.

YES. We need more and better parks. A 1.5 cents per square feett of improvements to property is worth it.

Measure CC: A $3.5 billion construction bond for the Los Angeles Community College District.

YES. This money invested in building schools will have a meaningful and beneficial impact on our students.

Measure HHH: A $1.2 billion in bonds to fund housing for homeless in LA.

YES. Finally a long term alternative to help end homelessness.

Measure JJJ: An initiative to impose minimum affordable housing requirements.

YES. It’s not a complete solution for an endemic problem but is a step forward.

Measure M: A ½ cent sales tax to fund transportation projects.

YES. This is an ambitious project that will transform public transportation in Los Angeles making it safe and fast.

Measure RRR: Give DWP power to approve contracts and plans independently from City Council and the Mayor.

NO. It will give unchecked power to the DWP commission independently from elected officials.

En esta nota

California Elecciones 2016 Elecciones en California
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