Editorial: Trump Should Not Be Underestimated

Democratic candidates need to stop hurting each other and begin working with the November election in mind.

Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton. Crédito: EFE

On Tuesday, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton suffered a new defeat against her opponent Bernie Sanders’ insurgency. A night that should have been sad for her campaign was instead filled with joy and celebration as it was announced that Donald Trump had won – turning him into the presumptive Republican candidate to the presidency – and that his main rival, Ted Cruz, had suspended his campaign.

The millionaire and TV personality’s ascent as the Republican contender is a dream come true for many Democrats who saw him as the most vulnerable one in the long list of aspiring candidates. However, we must pay attention and remember the proverb: “Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.”

Eleven months ago, no one expected that the Donald Trump who kicked off his campaign by offending Mexican immigrants would win the primary election by way of insults. Still, by way of smearing everyone, blaming foreigners and politicians for the economic conditions and turning his rallies into stand-up comedy shows in which he attacked his rivals, he surged to the top. Trump’s campaign for the Republican primary broke the mold.

That is the threat Democrats are facing. Common sense says that, in 2016 in the United States, no one who offends women and minorities could win a general election. But logic has long been disposed of in this election season whose main theme is Trump’s blatant capacity to lie, contradict himself, lie again and leave with his image undamaged.

Despite Sanders’ numerous victories, it is almost certain the ex-Secretary of State will end up winning the Democratic nomination. This primary has punished Clinton more than expected. Democrats themselves have once again shown their distrust against her, whether because of her views or her persona. Sanders’ competition drove her to present herself as more liberal, but it has also eroded her image.

To defeat Trump or any other Republican, Clinton needs the votes of Sanders’ followers. It is time for Clinton to respect and take Sanders’ voters seriously and, in turn, for him to reign in his ambition to avoid wearing her out.

Trump has succeeded as a candidate by taking everyone who underestimated him by surprise. That mistake is a luxury Democrats can no longer afford to make.

En esta nota

Donald Trump Elecciones 2016 Hillary Clinton
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