A Dangerous Legislation
The lack of comprehensive immigration reform leads Congress to elaborate aberrant and strident immigration measures

Crédito: EFE
The lack of comprehensive policy in a fairly complex topic which widely impacts human, economic and social matters, propels defective legislation by way of looking at the news selectively. The millions of honest and hardworking undocumented workers are less interesting than the one convicted murderer who killed a female citizen. The tendency to ignore the former and obsess with the latter creates aberrations like the one we saw a few days ago.
The House of Representatives voted to eliminate millions of dollars in federal assistance to combat crime in hundreds of cities throughout the country that fall in the category of sanctuary. The purpose is to allow local police collaboration with immigration authorities. This means that the Republican majority, who usually oppose federal mandates categorically, are trying to impose their will from Washington. Also, while their stated goal is to guarantee the safety of all U.S. people, they cut funding for combating delinquency.
The contradiction is enormous. Legislators in Washington want to take control of the police departments’ actions from large cities like Los Angeles to Nebraska’s Hall County, and from New York City to Finney County in Kansas. Congress pretends to tell local police officers what is the best way to guarantee public safety in their jurisdiction.
A combination of arrogance, ideological zeal and ignorance makes these lawmakers believe that undocumented people only commit crimes and never help solve them, which is what police chiefs in these cities have stated. Local police departments know better than anyone that it is crucial to earn the trust of immigrant communities in order to preserve everyone’s safety.
Common sense has a virtually non-existent role when it the goal is to earn points by encouraging negative stereotypes about immigrants. It even becomes valid to betray federalist principles. For instance, it remains to be seen if the House’s relentless defense of the implementation of this federal law means that they would be willing to impose environmental regulations on cities. It’s highly unlikely.
The lack of comprehensive immigration reform leads Congress to elaborate aberrant and strident immigration measures with no serious consideration of the public safety of U.S. people.