Ricky Martin y otros famosos reaccionan ante la masacre en Orlando
El astro boricua y muchas celebridades manifestaron su tristeza por lo ocurrido en el bar Pulse

Muchos artistas acudieron a Twitter para hacerse oír. Crédito: bang entertainment news
Una nueva tragedia azota a los Estados Unidos. 50 personas murieron y 53 resultaron heridas cuando un hombre ingresó al bar gay Pulse de Orlando con dos armas de fuego “y una suerte de artefacto” y comenzó a disparar, ocasionando una verdadera masacre.
Las palabras de desconcierto y desazón de distintas personalidades del mundo del espectáculo no tardaron en surgir y muchos artistas acudieron a Twitter para hacerse oír:
I am gay and I am not afraid. Love conquers all. #PrayforOrlando
— Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin) June 12, 2016
El fácil acceso a las armas en los Estados Unidos promueve crímenes de odio e intolerancia. ES HORA DE QUE EL CONGRESO ACTÚE.
— Ricky Martin (@ricky_martin) June 12, 2016
I pray for all the victims families 🙏🏽 during this shooting epidemic. That their pain be met with compassion and support from the world.
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) June 12, 2016
Horrified watching the news. Where has the love in our world gone. Honestly I don't know what to say. So sad. So wrong #PrayingForOrlando
— Hilary Duff (@HilaryDuff) June 12, 2016
I'm heartbroken for the victims, for Orlando, for the LGBT community, for our country. When does it end?
— josh groban (@joshgroban) June 12, 2016
I am absolutely heartbroken for my hometown and the families/loved ones of the victims and all of those affected. 💔 https://t.co/qSn14pCE9e
— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore) June 12, 2016
My heart breaks for the lives lost in Orlando. Just breaks.
— Uzo Aduba (@UzoAduba) June 12, 2016
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
— Hillary Scott (@HillaryScottLA) June 12, 2016
1 John 4:11 NIV 💔 #PrayForOrlando
My thoughts and prayers are w my brothers and sisters who were at Orlando's Pulse Nightclub. RIP to those who lost their lives.
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) June 12, 2016
Heartbroken. Scared. Angry. So much senseless death in Orlando & across this country. Sending love & prayers to all suffering. Horrific
— Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) June 12, 2016
In NYC but I'm so sad to read of the #nightclub shooting in Orlando. Enough! My heart goes out to the victims and their families & friends.
— Marlee Matlin (@MarleeMatlin) June 12, 2016
heartbreaking. #PrayForOrlando
Just heard about the shooting at the gay club in Orlando. What can we do? Hard to even find words right now. #PrayForOrlando #Pulse
— Perez (@ThePerezHilton) June 12, 2016