AHF Hyde Park Wellness Center Hosts Congresswoman Robin Kelly For National HIV Testing Day, June 27th
Healthcare Foundation’s (AHF) Hyde Park Wellness Center will welcome Congresswoman
Robin Kelly (IL-2) on Monday, June 27th to commemorate
National HIV Testing Day, an annual observance to raise awareness and
promote HIV testing. Congresswoman Kelly, who is spokesperson for the
Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust that addresses health
disparities across the country, will tour the wellness center and meet
with AHF representatives to discuss the impact of the Hyde Park wellness
center and AHF affiliate South
Side Help Center in promoting prevention, HIV testing and meeting
the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in Chicago’s South Side
WHAT: Congresswoman Robin Kelly to tour AHF’s Hyde Park Wellness
Center to commemorate National HIV Testing Day
Monday, June 27th
Kelly is scheduled to arrive at 10:00 a.m.
1515 E. 52nd Place
Suite 206
Chicago, IL
- Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-2)
- Tracy Jones, National Advocacy Campaign Director, AHF
- Vanessa Smith, Executive Director, South Side Help Center
For additional information, please contact Creola A. Kizart-Hampton at
(800) 492-9216.
“We are so excited to meet with and have Congresswoman Kelly tour our
Hyde Park location on National HIV Testing Day to learn more about AHF’s
commitment to the South Side community and raise awareness on the
importance of being tested,” said Tracy Jones, AHF’s National
Advocacy Campaign Director. “The Hyde Park location was established to
help meet the growing need for HIV prevention and treatment services in
the local community and we look forward to building a productive working
relationship with Congresswoman Kelly in the future.”
AHF hosted a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 11th
for its new AHF
Healthcare Center and AHF Remote Consultation Pharmacy in Hyde
Park located at 1515 E. 52nd Place, Suite 206, Chicago IL 60615. Under
the leadership of Dr. Kaleo Staszkow, both the AHF
Healthcare Center and AHF Remote Consultation Pharmacy will operate on
Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In February 2015, AHF announced its affiliation with the South
Side Help Center, a community-based organization that has
provided critical services to HIV-positive individuals since 1987. AHF’s
Healthcare Center located at 2600 South Michigan Ave., Suite LL-D also
opened last February.
AHF currently operates 46 Healthcare Centers throughout the United
States – in Florida, California, Georgia, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana,
Illinois, South Carolina, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, Nevada
Washington, D.C. and the state of Washington – and many more in the
countries where AHF works throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin
America. More information about Healthcare Center services and locations
can be found at www.hivcare.org.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS
organization, currently provides medical care and/or services to over
639,000 individuals in 36 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin
America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. To learn
more about AHF, please visit our website: www.aidshealth.org,
find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/aidshealth
and follow us on Twitter: @aidshealthcare
and Instagram: @aidshealthcare
Ged Kenslea, +1 323-308-1833 (work) or +1 323-791-5526
Senior Director, Communications
Johnson, +1 323-960-4846 (work) or +1 310-880-9913 (mobile)
Director of Communications