Rita Moreno to Limbaugh: ¡Cálmate!
Rita Moreno is an outstanding actress and record-breaking award winner. She's always claimed her Latina heritage.

Rita Moreno. Crédito: Foto Cortesía
NEW YORK/EDLP – Rita Moreno is an outstanding actress and record-breaking award winner. She’s always claimed her Latina heritage.
Now she has advice for the Republican right’s biggest loudmouth. “I think Rush Limbaugh ought to take a sedative,” Moreno said on Soledad O’Brien’s morning show on CNN.
Limbaugh, the take-no-prisoners commentator, had to backtrack recently after calling a Georgetown law school student a slut and prostitute. The student, Sandra Fluke, has been making the rounds on shows and hearings to advocate for prescription contraception for women.
“I think he is very disturbed…He is so angry,” said Moreno, famous for playing the assertive Anita in West Side Story and currently starring on the television show Happily Divorced.
The Puerto Rican actress also said that while the GOP is in big trouble with Hispanic voters, that President Obama is in “going to be in a little trouble too.”