Home remedies to banish dark armpits
Dark skin under the armpits can be embarrassing during those summer months when we want to bare as much as possible, and women of all…
There are ways to get rid of dark armpits, but make sure you address to root of the problem first. (Shutterstock)
Dark skin under the armpits can be embarrassing during those summer months when we want to bare as much as possible, and women of all ethnicities can find themselves with this beauty issue. So what causes dark armpits, and what can be done at home to stop it?
First and foremost, you may have to accept the fact there isn’t much you can do to lighten the skin in your pits. Some women, particularly those with darker skin tones, have an increase in melanin in this area. The same can be said for women who undergo significant hormonal changes like those associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy is known to cause skin darkening on the upper lip, nose and in the arm pits.
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In these circumstances, dark armpits may be something you have to learn to accept.
There are other causes for dark armpits, however. According to Yahoo!, the most common reasons women experience a dark look to their pits is because of shaving, rubbing and bacteria growth.
Rubbing, whether against skin or against clothing, can cause friction which then stimulates the body to thicken the skin in a process called hyperkeratosis. The thicker the skin gets, the darker it gets as well. Shaving can further complicate this by giving arm pits the “5 o’clock shadow” as hair starts to grow back in. These two causes of dark armpits are made worse by the presence of bacteria. Bacteria that are not cleansed regularly out of the armpits can cause an underlying skin infection that will eventually turn skin brown.
So what can be done to banish dark armpits?
Remember, before you try home remedies to banish those dark armpits, check with your doctor first and make sure you address the above possible causes. As long as there are no underlying medical issues and your doctor gives you clearance, consider the following home remedies:
- Rub your armpits with a lemon slice before taking a shower or bath to help bleach skin.
- Rub your armpits with a slice of potato for 10 to 15 minutes a day. Rapid Home Remedies indicates potatoes are a natural bleaching agent.
- Exfoliate under the arms to encourage skin cell turnover.
- Apply coconut oil to your armpits to soften skin and provide vitamin E.
- Apply a white baking soda scrub to exfoliate skin and help kill bacteria.
- Dry orange peels in the sun, grind them into a powder, then use as an exfoliating scrub to help lighten skin and clear dead cells.
- Make a mask for arm pits out of besan, yogurt and lemon juice. Apply twice a day and rince off with cold water after 15 minutes.
Some experts also believe certain antiperspirants can contribute to dark armpits. If you are concerned about the chemicals in your deodorant or have extremely sensitive skin, look for more natural alternatives or make your own deodorant at home with this recipe:
3 tbsp virgin coconut oil
2 tbsp shea butter
3 tbsp baking soda
2 tbsp cornstarch
5 drops essential oil (lavender, orange, etc. Your choice. Keep in mind certain essential oils have antibacterial properties which are ideal for underarms.)
Melt oils and butter together in a double boiler then combine with other ingredients. Allow to cool in a jar or deodorant container of your choice.
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